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Uri Delgado
May 10, 2023
In Self Help Forum
Netflix Sin Play Store Fix HAGA CLIC AQUÍ - Dinosaur game modos de juego: cómo divertirte con el juego oculto de Google Chrome ¿Sabías que Google Chrome tiene un juego secreto que puedes jugar cuando no tienes conexión a internet? Se llama Dinosaur game y consiste en controlar a un dinosaurio que corre por el desierto, saltando sobre cactus y esquivando pterodáctilos. Es un juego simple pero adictivo que puede ayudarte a pasar el tiempo cuando no puedes navegar por la web. Pero lo que quizás no sepas es que Dinosaur game tiene varios modos de juego que puedes activar con algunos trucos. Estos modos de juego cambian el aspecto, la velocidad o la dificultad del juego, haciéndolo más divertido y variado. Aquí te explicamos cómo acceder a ellos y qué hacen. Modo noche El modo noche hace que el fondo del juego se vuelva oscuro y que el dinosaurio y los obstáculos se iluminen con un tono azulado. Para activar este modo, solo tienes que llegar a los 100 puntos en el juego normal. Verás que el sol se pone y aparece la luna. El modo noche dura hasta que llegues a los 700 puntos, momento en el que vuelve a salir el sol. Modo arcoíris El modo arcoíris hace que el dinosaurio cambie de color cada vez que salta. Para activar este modo, tienes que abrir la consola de desarrollador de Chrome presionando Ctrl+Shift+J en Windows o Cmd+Option+J en Mac. Luego, tienes que escribir el siguiente código y pulsar Enter: Runner.instance_.tRex.config.COLORS = ["#e47272","#e8a772","#e8d972","#72e072","#72e8e8","#7272e8","#e872e8"]; Ahora, cada vez que saltes, tu dinosaurio tendrá uno de los siete colores del arcoíris. Puedes cambiar los colores a tu gusto modificando los valores hexadecimales del código. Modo Mario El modo Mario hace que el dinosaurio se convierta en el famoso fontanero de Nintendo, con su gorra roja y su bigote. También cambia los sonidos del juego por los de Super Mario Bros. Para activar este modo, tienes que volver a abrir la consola de desarrollador y escribir el siguiente código: Runner.prototype.gameOver = function(){window.location = "";}; Ahora, cuando pierdas el juego, en vez de ver la pantalla de Game Over, se abrirá un vídeo de YouTube con la música de Super Mario Bros. Si quieres volver al juego normal, solo tienes que cerrar la pestaña del vídeo. Modo Sonic El modo Sonic hace que el dinosaurio se convierta en el veloz erizo azul de Sega, con sus zapatillas rojas y sus púas. También aumenta la velocidad del juego, haciéndolo más difícil pero también más emocionante. Para activar este modo, tienes que escribir otro código en la consola de desarrollador: Runner.instance_.setSpeed(1000); Ahora, tu dinosaurio correrá a toda velocidad por el desierto, saltando y esquivando obstáculos como si fuera Sonic. Puedes cambiar el valor del código para ajustar la velocidad a tu gusto. Conclusión Dinosaur game es un juego oculto de Google Chrome que puedes jugar cuando no tienes conexión a internet. Pero además, tiene varios modos de juego que puedes activar con algunos trucos, como el modo noche, el modo arcoíris, el modo Mario o el modo Sonic. Estos modos de juego cambian el aspecto, la velocidad o la dificultad del juego 51271b25bf
Uri Delgado
May 10, 2023
In Self Help Forum
Editar Archivo En Linux Descargar archivo ->>->>->> Efectos para videos profesionales gratis: dÃnde encontrarlos y cÃmo usarlos Los efectos para videos profesionales son una herramienta muy útil para darle un toque creativo y profesional a tus proyectos audiovisuales. Sin embargo, no siempre es fÃcil encontrar efectos de calidad y libres de derechos que puedas usar sin problemas. Por eso, en este artÃculo te vamos a mostrar algunas de las mejores pÃginas web donde puedes descargar efectos para videos profesionales gratis, asà como algunos consejos para aplicarlos correctamente. ÂQuà son los efectos para videos profesionales Los efectos para videos profesionales son elementos visuales o sonoros que se aÃaden a un video para modificar su aspecto o crear un determinado ambiente. Por ejemplo, puedes usar efectos de luz, de partÃculas, de transiciÃn, de sonido, etc. Los efectos pueden servir para resaltar una escena, crear una atmÃsfera, transmitir una emociÃn o simplemente darle mÃs dinamismo y originalidad a tu video. ÂDÃnde descargar efectos para videos profesionales gratis Existen muchas pÃginas web donde puedes encontrar efectos para videos profesionales gratis y libres de derechos, es decir, que puedes usarlos sin tener que pagar ni dar crÃdito al autor. Algunas de las mÃs populares son: Pixabay: esta pÃgina ofrece miles de videos gratis y sin copyright compartidos por una talentosa comunidad de creativos. Puedes encontrar videos de todo tipo: naturaleza, gente, animales, ciudad, etc. AdemÃs, tambiÃn tiene una secciÃn de música y efectos de sonido que puedes descargar y usar en tus proyectos. Videvo: esta pÃgina ofrece mÃs de 300 000 videos de stock con calidad HD y 4K. TambiÃn tiene una amplia selecciÃn de música y efectos de sonido formada por mÃs de 180 000 pistas de audio. Puedes filtrar los videos por categorÃa, resoluciÃn, duraciÃn, licencia, etc. Envato Elements: esta pÃgina es una plataforma de suscripciÃn que te da acceso ilimitado a mÃs de 2 millones de recursos creativos, incluyendo efectos para videos profesionales. Puedes encontrar desde LUTs profesionales, efectos de partÃculas, efectos de lente y mucho mÃs. AdemÃs, tambiÃn tiene plantillas, grÃficos, fotos, fuentes, etc. ÂCÃmo usar los efectos para videos profesionales Para usar los efectos para videos profesionales necesitas un programa de ediciÃn de video que te permita importarlos y aplicarlos a tus clips. Algunos de los programas mÃs usados son Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, DaVinci Resolve o Sony Vegas Pro. Cada programa tiene sus propias caracterÃsticas y funciones, pero en general el proceso suele ser el siguiente: Descarga el efecto que quieras usar y guÃrdalo en tu ordenador. Abre el programa de ediciÃn y crea un nuevo proyecto. Importa el video al que quieras aplicar el efecto y arrÃstralo a la lÃnea de tiempo. Importa el efecto y colÃcalo encima del video en la lÃnea de tiempo. Ajusta el tamaÃo, la posiciÃn, la duraciÃn y la opacidad del efecto según tus preferencias. Reproduce el video para ver cÃmo queda el resultado. Exporta el video con el efecto aplicado. ConclusiÃn Los efectos para videos profesionales son una forma sencilla y eficaz de mejorar la calidad y el impacto de tus proyectos audiovisuales. En Internet puedes 51271b25bf
Uri Delgado
May 09, 2023
In Self Help Forum
The Geeky Chef Cookbook : Unofficial Recipes Fr... CLICK HERE ::: Cassandra Reeder is an avid home cook and lifetime geek. For over a decade, she has been helping other geeks and nerds all over the world make their fictional food fantasies come true at Cassandra extended this mission as the author of the Geeky Chef cookbook series, which includes: The Geeky Chef Cookbook, The Geeky Chef Strikes Back, The Geeky Chef Drinks, and The Geeky Bartender Drinks. She is also the author of The Unofficial Princess Bride Cookbook. Cassandra currently lives in Portland, Oregon. The first fictional food recipe Cassandra Reeder made was Tree Star Cookies inspired by The Land Before Time at age six. Her geeky nature combined with her love of cooking led to the creation of The goal of Geeky Chef is to help the geek community bring their food fantasies to reality. So if you've ever found yourself drooling over Pumpkin Pasties in Harry Potter, curious about Lembas Bread from Lord of the Rings or wondering if the cake is really a lie, this blog is for you. Each dish is thoroughly researched to make the final product taste and/or look as close to the source material as possible. Of course, everyone will imagine differently, but Cassandra hopes to give dedicated geeks a run for their tastebuds. "Drawing inspiration from movies, video games and television shows, more than 60 recipes full of fantasy and science fiction are featured throughout the new cookbook. Lemon cakes - and bowls of brown if you're, um, into that - allow you to eat your feelings after that Game of Thrones season five finale, while other fictional food formulas, including 1UP mushroom cupcakes (Super Mario Cart), Romulan Ale (Star Trek), bacon pancakes (Adventure Time) Moloko Plus (A Clockwork Orange) and lembas (The Lord of the Rings), transport your taste buds into another world." - Creative Loafing As I mentioned before Reeder put in a lot of thought to the development of the recipes going to original source material for inspiration and to make it as close to the original as Earthly possible. She covers a wide variety of fandoms ranging from Star Trek and Star Wars to Game of Thrones and Discworld. Video games are not excluded with recipe inspirations from Minecraft, Pokemon, and Kingdom Hearts to name a few. I must confess the recipe that sealed the deal of me getting this cookbook was the recipe for Spoo from Babylon 5. I almost became one with my innerself right then and there! ? If you are new here, you may want to learn a little more about how this site works. Eat Your Books has indexed recipes from leading cookbooks and magazines as well recipes from the best food websites and blogs. Ever wondered what chefs love to cook when they are in their own kitchen? 33 globally renowned chefs have each shared three recipes for their favourite weekend treats in this special MasterChef collection of food at home. The fascinating background of each chef is explored and accompanying candid snapshots from their home life provide a unique, never-seen-before window into their world. You've watched the TV shows and movies, played the video games, and read the books. Now it's time to level-up your geek factor...into the kitchen. From Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, The Hunger Games, and Star Trek to Super-Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and World of Warcraft, The Geeky Chef Cookbook is the nerd's favorite strategy guide for tackling dinner. A self-proclaimed nerd with a fondness for cooking, author Cassandra Reeder, creator of The Geeky Chef blog, has thoroughly researched every dish to make the final product look and taste as close to the source material as possible. With easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and fun themed photos, these simple recipes will soon have you unlocking achievements in the kitchen, no matter if you're cooking for yourself, a friend, or even a viewing party. Includes over 60 delectable, ethereal, and just plain odd--yet truly delicious-- recipes that you can re-create right in your own home. If you'd like to make a dish that looks as great IRL as it does in game, this is the book for you. A perfect holiday gift for gamers, dorks, and budding chefs, The Geeky Chef Cookbook blends technique, style, flare and charm into a tasty treat. With vibrant colors, these dishes will level you up to the hostess-with-the-mostest for game nights or dinner parties. Let your love for sci-fi or fantasy shine with The Geeky Chef series by creating food and drinks from your favorite shows, movies, and video games. Your cool, homemade, fiction-themed spread will make you the life of the party. Incredibly fun and creative, and colorfully designed, The Geeky Chef books make the perfect gift for the geek in your life who lives in a world of their own. Other titles in this series include: Geeky Bartender Drinks, Geeky Chef Cookbook, Geeky Chef Drinks, and Geeky Chef Strikes Back. So if you've ever found yourself thirsting for Lon Lon Milk, drooling over Pumpkin Pasties, or being a tad bit curious about Cram, this cookbook is for you. Fantasy foods are fantasy no longer! Raise your cooking game to boss-level proportions with The Geeky Chef Cookbook. Author Cassandra Reeder launched her blog The Geeky Chef in 2008, bringing fictional food and drinks from a vast array of fandoms into reality with simple and fun recipes. Since then, a series of cookbooks based on the trailblazing blog have been published, including The Geeky Chef Cookbook and The Geeky Bartender Drinks. In 2023, she released The Unofficial Princess Bride Cookbook, a delicious celebration of the classic cult film. When not conjuring up recipes for fictional food, Cassandra can be found having adventures and perusing the food carts in Portland, OR with her husband and two little geeks. 781b155fdc
Uri Delgado
May 09, 2023
In Self Help Forum
The Prog Collective - 2023 - Seeking Peace [320] The Prog Collective - 2023 - Seeking Peace [320] Given the interdependencies between environmental, social, and economic objectives, balancing tradeoffs in values and outcomes is required to achieve sustainability. This implies that conflict, if left unmanaged, can frustrate progress in the sustainability agenda, and it follows that the pursuit of peace may be symbiotic to it. As our understanding of the interdependencies between social, environmental, and economic components has evolved over time, researchers and policy makers increasingly acknowledge the complex and multidimensional character of the sustainability agenda (Alkire and Santos 2010, 2014; Mayer 2008). Often, different goals are pursued within different governance models varying according to legal frameworks, decision-making capacities, connectivity, and knowledge at national and local scales (Morita et al. 2019). 781b155fdc
Uri Delgado
May 08, 2023
In Self Help Forum
Do Pawn Shops Buy Baseball Cards LINK ->->->-> Pawnbrokers are constantly looking for new items for pawnshop collections. Sports memorabilia items ranging from autographed baseballs to collectible cards and even jerseys seem to be always in demand. So, pawn shops value these sports treasures too. You are not allowed to post links to cards for sale elsewhere. Instead, you must offer them for sale through the subreddit. The subreddit recommends using PayPal for taking payment. Visit the subreddit to learn more about selling your baseball cards on there. Next on the list, we have DA Card World. This is another site where you can sell your baseball cards online. The company buys sealed boxes and cases of sports cards. And, it also purchases modern sports card singles. You can sell your old baseball cards or your entire sports card collection for cash to The Cardboard Connection. The company has facilitated the sale of more than $1 million worth of sports cards and collectibles. It purchases lots of different sports cards, including baseball cards. i have a 1968 Detroit Tigers world series signed baseball, the team pennant, and the world series program. plus close to approx. 10,000 baseball cards that includes box sets and card packages never opened. I would like to sale EBay is one of the oldest online marketplaces that is still in operation today. Using eBay to sell baseball cards provides the opportunity to reach prospective buyers and collectors from all around the world. In fact, baseball cards are one of the best things to buy and sell for profit on eBay. The subreddit r/baseballcards, is known for users making connections and real-life trades by communicating through the subreddit itself to find card buyers near you, making this a great way to make money on Reddit using your collectibles. Using Bonanza is simple and similar to other online auction websites and online communities. One of the advantages of using Bonanza as a place to sell your baseball cards is the ability to do so without the $.30 fee per listing that eBay charges. For those who are avid collectors of baseball cards complete in their packages, turn to DA Card World to unload your collection with ease. DA Card World only buys sports cards that are complete in their cases as well as sealed boxes of cards. Once you have an account on COMC, you can immediately begin creating your listings to sell individual cards or packages and boxed sets of cards, depending on your collection(s). There are multiple ways to sell baseball cards using COMC, including: The Cardboard Connection is another major card-selling platform and organization that has facilitated the sale of more than $1 million of baseball cards and collectibles. The Cardboard Collection is currently purchasing baseball cards directly from individuals who have been holding cards from 1974 and earlier. Not all pawn shops buy baseball cards. Some pawn shops may be geared more towards purchasing electronics and collectibles that are either more modern or more vintage than baseball cards and/or other sports memorabilia. Even though that do may not be the best place to sell baseball cards. Avoid wasting time by visiting all of the pawn shops in your area by calling or contacting them ahead of time to verify that they have an interest in the specific baseball cards or collections you have to offer. Selling your baseball cards at local and state fairs is a great way to connect with members of your local community, letting you find baseball card buyers near you, while providing you with an opportunity to set your own sale price in person. If you choose to host a garage or yard sale, it is important to remember that your prospective customers are interested in a bargain or a sale, and may not be as open to highly-priced baseball cards. If you have more than one baseball card to sell at any given time, you should consider selling your baseball cards in bulk. Knowing how to sell baseball cards in bulk can help you to save time while simultaneously unloading larger portions of your collection at once. A few collections that are typically always in demand include the 1952 Topps baseball cards as well as the 1933 Goudey cards. Any cards that include Mickey Mantle or other notorious well-known baseball players from the Golden Era of the USA are sought after and easiest to sell. The baseball card market has fluctuated over the years, with certain eras and players becoming more or less popular. However, the market has remained relatively stable overall and many collectors and investors still see value in buying and selling baseball cards. Yes, it is possible to make money selling baseball cards, especially if you have a collection of rare, valuable, or sought-after cards. However, making money selling baseball cards can be challenging, and success depends on a variety of factors. If you have a valuable collection of baseball cards, you may be able to sell individual cards for a high price to collectors or investors. However, selling cards individually can be time-consuming and may require expertise in the baseball card market. The profitability of selling baseball cards also depends on the cost of acquiring them. If you already have a collection that you have acquired over time, any money you make from selling them can be considered profit. In general, selling baseball cards can be a fun hobby and a way to make some extra money, but it is unlikely to be a consistent or reliable source of income. Like any market, the baseball card market is subject to fluctuations and trends, and it can be challenging to predict which cards will become valuable in the future. One of the best ways to learn everything there is to know about baseball cards and sports trading card collections is to immerse yourself in the collector community. Learn everything there is to know about the community of collecting and selling cards by joining local meetup groups or even online groups, forums, and active communities. You can share information regarding the cards you have with other baseball card collectors near you (or online), pawn shop owners, and even individuals who run various baseball card-collecting websites and organizations. Getting your baseball cards appraised is possible by working directly with a collector, appraiser, or pawn shop owner. It is also possible to have your baseball cards appraised by working together with an online baseball card service or organization. If you choose to have your baseball cards appraised locally and by an individual in-person, it is highly advisable to seek out multiple appraisals to verify the authenticity of your appraisal and estimate. Learning how you can sell cards online and the best way to sell sports cards is not often an overnight task. Immersing yourself in the collector community of baseball cards is the first step to truly understanding the value and demand of your own card collection. Once you have made the decision to begin selling your baseball cards and you want to do so online, it is important to familiarize yourself with the resources and communities that are best for selling any type of baseball card or collectible. What Is The Best Way To Sell A Sports Card Collection eBay is the easiest place to sell your cards, but unfortunately there are fees involved. eBay allows you list 50 items for free per month, but there is a 10% charge on the final value for selling your baseball cards. Amazingly, are baseball cards worth any money Pre-War Baseball Cards (Printed Prior to 1945) Cards of Hall of Famers and stars from this era can easily be worth thousands of dollars, especially if they are in great shape. Even common cards (those of non-star players) can be worth major money depending on which card it is. Considering this, do people still buy and sell baseball cards A few card shops are still out there, but most have disappeared from local communities. Most local sports card dealers may be interested in buying your collection but only if they know they can turn it around for a profit quickly and will likely not offer you representative value. Football cards are some of the most popular sports trading cards out there. These can be worth a lot of money. The most expensive football cards will sell for six-figure amounts, easily. Football cards are among the most popular cards out there, along with baseball and basketball cards. As a general rule, expensive fine jewelry and sought-after firearms will pawn for the most money. However, some Macon pawn shops may accept other high-value items. Things like musical instruments, high-end power tools, and expensive current gaming systems also will have high pawn value. On a side note, fine jewelry is the most popular item people pawn in pawn shops. This statistic is probably due to the consistently popular habit of pawning and re-pawning engagement rings. Yes, Macon pawn shops will allow you to negotiate with them. But, the best way to do it is with respect and kindness. When they ask you how much you want, nicely decline to answer. Next, gently insist that they make you an offer. After the Macon pawn shops make you an offer, it is time to haggle. Although it is acceptable to request a higher amount, pawn shops often give their best offer first. However, a pawnbroker may find a little wiggle room for you if you are polite about it. When you think of a pawn shop, the first things that come to your mind are probably jewelry, musical instruments, antiques, household appliances, and things of that nature. Most pawn shops have evolved and take a wide variety of items. Read below to discover the items pawn shops are on the hunt for. Our clients use their collections to secure financing for many reasons. Most were very relieved to know that they can get the cash they need without selling the items that mean so much to them as they can pawn baseball cards and pawn collectibles in New York instead. 781b155fdc
Uri Delgado
May 08, 2023
In Self Help Forum
Low Cost Stocks To Buy Download >>> Buying the dip is not a simple trading strategy and should be approached cautiously. Done right, you can earn a fat discount on stocks with sound fundamentals and strong prospects. Think of it like buying quality stocks at a discount. The truth is that many great companies get dinged in short-term market drops but tend to perform very well over time. When you know which metrics of quality to track to uncover cheap stocks to buy, you can pick winners that the market may reward with higher prices after the dip. We have identified nine cheap stocks to buy that have fallen along with the S&P 500 over the last year and have yet to recover. Each company has a multiyear history of growing earnings per share (EPS) and revenue, and analysts are still expecting similar growth in the years ahead. Please note that the stocks above were selected by an experienced financial analyst, but they may not be right for your portfolio. Before you decide to purchase any of these stocks, do plenty of research to ensure they are aligned with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Cory has been a professional trader since 2005, and holds a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation. He has been widely published, writing for Technical Analysis of Stock & Commodities magazine, Investopedia, Benzinga, and others. He runs, has authored several trading courses and books, coaches individual clients, and regularly trades stocks, currencies, and ETFs. Solid, expanding institutional buying among fundamentally strong companies with double-, triple- and even quadruple digit share prices makes up the I in CAN SLIM, IBD's seven-factor paradigm of successful investing in growth stocks. IBD Stock Screener filters cheap stocks that not only trade at $10 or less per share. Some also carry many of the key fundamental, technical and fund ownership quality traits routinely seen among the greatest stock market winners. In the week ended March 3, ARDX ranked in the top 10 among stocks sold short and trading under $10 a share on trading platform TradeZero; customers sold short a total 1,324 shares at an average 3.75 per share. In late February, the stock cracked through the 15 price level for the first time since early 2008. Lately, it's getting some pushback. Yet LYTS has certainly acted as one of the best stocks since making IBD Stock Screener for companies with a top Composite Rating and trading under 10 a share. Also, event-organizing platform Eventbrite (EB) and Chinese video streaming service iQiyi (IQ) recently made the IBD Stock Screener for top stocks in the Composite Rating and trading under 10 a share. Both show wonderful growth in the top line in the past quarter or two and are reaping big profits. But with the S&P 500 Index suffering its biggest annual loss since 2008 last year, many investors have seen their portfolios decline in value. And one opportunity that comes from a less favorable environment on Wall Street is the presence of more cheap stocks. If you are interested in cheap stocks, it's vital to do your research beyond just looking at the latest print for prices. You need to take a hard look at risk metrics, recent performance and future outlook in order to invest responsibly. With that in mind, here are nine cheap stocks under $10 to consider. The following picks all have something to offer: Some are stable low-priced stocks with healthy dividends, while others are tech companies with growth potential in a digital age. And some are simply bargains after recent declines. That's in part because the company turned around from a 25 cents per share loss in fiscal 2021 to a 24 cents per share profit in fiscal 2022. Furthermore, ADT's full-year report showed annual revenue growth of 21%, as well as a fourth consecutive quarter of record-high customer retention and recurring monthly revenue balances. This fundamental strength is why ADT is on this list of the best cheap stocks to buy now. Semiconductor stocks took it on the chin a few years back amid supply-chain disruptions. Headwinds remain after a 2022 U.S. Department of Commerce ruling restricted exports to China and could spark a long-term trade war on chips. However, it's important to understand that recent troubles are coming after significant long-term growth for the semiconductor industry. It's a lower-margin business, but that means ASE doesn't have to sweat the research side or the marketing of patented semiconductors and therefore offers more stability. Many of the cheap stocks out there in the tech sector can be risky, so ASE's unique business model makes it stand out. In fact, the dividend is a hefty 9.9% based on its 15 cents per share quarterly payout and current pricing. Even if shares continue to move sideways, that big-time payday could make Equitrans one of the best cheap stocks for income investors to consider. The icing on the cake for one of Wall Street's best cheap stocks is a 17 cents per share quarterly dividend that is only about 60% of total profits, but adds up to a generous annualized yield of 8.7%. This is more than five times the current S&P 500 yield. Shares of PAYO stock are up more than 40% in the last year thanks in part to its growing business. There's assuredly risk here if we hit a widespread downturn in global spending, and thus reduced transaction volume. But PAYO, one of Wall Street's best cheap stocks to buy, could have a very bright future in a digital age. In 2022, it hired former (BABA (opens in new tab)) executive John Caplan as its CEO, and it is looking to expand even further in the years ahead. In an age where market participants are looking for investments that are hedges against inflation or low-risk alternatives to the typical tech stocks of yesteryear, there's a lot to be said about a miner like Yamana. The company's most recent reserves report shows more than 380 million metric tonnes of gold and more than 330 million tonnes of silver. As AUY brings those goods to market, it will cash in. And considering the massive reserves it owns underground, there's little risk of this top gold stock going under anytime soon. As proof, shares are up roughly flat over the last year while the S&P 500 has lost about 10% or so in the same period. Yamana pays a healthy 2.3% dividend yield on top of that to provide a decent stream of income along with an inflation hedge via one of Wall Street's best cheap stocks. With any investment, there is a degree of risk as well as return. When deciding which cheap stocks to buy, here are key factors to keep in mind: P/E ratio, price-to-book value, cash flow and earnings reports. Earnings reports offer a wealth of information on companies, including their profits and losses. They also note whether a company performed as expected for a given period. Digging into past earnings reports can help you anticipate future performance and decide whether cheap dividend stocks are a good buy. In this article, we will take a look at the 12 most promising low-cost stocks according to analysts. To see more such companies, go directly to 5 Most Promising Low-Cost Stocks According to Analysts. Low-cost stocks, often found in the small-cap universe, present an attractive opportunity for investors who can stomach risk and have patience. A report from UBS highlights several reasons why small-cap stocks are worth our attention. The firm says that small-cap stocks have the potential for long-term returns. The report said that the MSCI ACWI Small Cap index outperformed the MSCI ACWI by 2.4% per annum during a period of 20 years. The UBS report says that the small-cap world is a broader universe with higher active share, which provides potential for better active returns. The report also said that small caps trade at a lower price/book (P/B) ratio than large-cap stocks, providing a more attractive entry point. For this article, we first used the Finviz stock screener to list down stocks trading under $15 on US exchanges with average analyst price targets at least 30% more than their current levels as of February 15. We then sorted the resultant dataset in descending order of market cap and picked the top 12 stocks. With each stock we have mentioned its one-year average price target, taken from Yahoo Finance. Not only is Crescent Point Energy Corp. (NYSE:CPG) a low-cost stock with upside potential, it is also a promising dividend play. In December, the Canadian energy company upped its quarterly dividend by a whopping 25%. Forward dividend yield at the time came in at over 4%. During the same month, Crescent Point Energy Corp. (NYSE:CPG) announced it will buy assets in Kaybob Duvernay shale play from Paramount Resources (OTCPK:PRMRF) for $375 million. Gold stocks rallied earlier this year when investors grew hopeful that the Federal Reserve could leave its hawkish stance. But the latest jobs report and inflation data has dashed these hopes. However, gold stocks could rally and outperform in the long term as sooner or later the marker would turn the corner. Amid a disastrous 2022 some analysts and market pundits are predicting a market rebound in late 2023 or 2024. Historically, market declines have given a golden opportunity for investors to pile into stocks before they rebound to higher valuations. As inflation begins to show signs of cooling in the US, the Federal Reserve might begin to ease monetary policy in 2023 and eventually halt rate hikes. In a Bloomberg survey, about 70% of the top global investors said they expected stocks to rise in 2023. Despite the possible market situation in 2023 or beyond, the fact remains that successful investors always ignore short-term volatility when investing and pile into solid stocks when they are trading at lower prices. Sooner or later the stock market is expected to turn the corner. When it does, only those investors would come out as winners who had invested when things were bad. Online course platform Coursera ranks 8th in our list of the best dirt cheap stocks to buy now. Coursera, Inc. (NYSE:COUR) has a long-term growth potential since it has a strong position in the online education market which is set to grow as more and more people opt to upskill themselves. Coursera, Inc. (NYSE:COUR) also collaborates with over 275 top universities and businesses to offer an online education. 781b155fdc

Uri Delgado

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