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Harry Day
May 10, 2023
In Self Help Forum
Instalador De Office 2007 Fix Instalador De Office 2007 ->->->-> ÂCÃmo escuchar música de YouTube en Windows 10 YouTube es una de las plataformas mÃs populares para ver y escuchar vÃdeos y música online. Sin embargo, si quieres disfrutar de tu música favorita de YouTube en tu ordenador con Windows 10, puede que te encuentres con algunos inconvenientes. Por ejemplo, si cierras el navegador o la pestaÃa de YouTube, la música se detiene. O si quieres escuchar música en segundo plano mientras haces otras tareas, puede que el rendimiento de tu ordenador se vea afectado por el consumo de recursos del navegador. Por suerte, existen algunas soluciones para escuchar música de YouTube en Windows 10 sin tener que depender del navegador. En este artÃculo te vamos a mostrar algunas de las mejores opciones que puedes usar para disfrutar de tu música de YouTube en tu ordenador con Windows 10. Usar una aplicaciÃn de escritorio para YouTube Una de las formas mÃs sencillas y cÃmodas de escuchar música de YouTube en Windows 10 es usar una aplicaciÃn de escritorio especÃfica para YouTube. Estas aplicaciones te permiten acceder a todo el contenido de YouTube desde tu ordenador, sin tener que abrir el navegador. AdemÃs, te ofrecen algunas ventajas adicionales, como la posibilidad de reproducir la música en segundo plano, crear listas de reproducciÃn personalizadas, controlar la reproducciÃn con teclas rÃpidas, descargar vÃdeos y música para verlos sin conexiÃn, etc. Existen varias aplicaciones de escritorio para YouTube que puedes usar en Windows 10, pero una de las mÃs populares y completas es YouTube Music App. Esta aplicaciÃn te permite escuchar toda la música de YouTube con una interfaz sencilla y elegante, similar a la de Spotify. Puedes buscar y explorar millones de canciones y Ãlbumes, acceder a tus suscripciones y listas de reproducciÃn, ver las letras de las canciones, ajustar el ecualizador, etc. AdemÃs, puedes descargar la música que quieras para escucharla sin conexiÃn o transferirla a otros dispositivos. Usar un reproductor multimedia con soporte para YouTube Otra opciÃn para escuchar música de YouTube en Windows 10 es usar un reproductor multimedia que tenga soporte para YouTube. Estos reproductores te permiten reproducir los vÃdeos y la música de YouTube desde tu ordenador, sin tener que abrir el navegador. AdemÃs, te ofrecen algunas funciones adicionales, como la posibilidad de ajustar el tamaÃo y la calidad del vÃdeo, crear listas de reproducciÃn mixtas con archivos locales y online, convertir vÃdeos y música a otros formatos, etc. Existen varios reproductores multimedia con soporte para YouTube que puedes usar en Windows 10, pero uno de los mÃs conocidos y versÃtiles es VLC Media Player. Este reproductor te permite reproducir casi cualquier tipo de archivo multimedia, tanto local como online. Para reproducir música de YouTube en VLC, solo tienes que copiar la URL del vÃdeo o la lista de reproducciÃn que quieras escuchar y pegarla en el menú Medio > Abrir ubicaciÃn de red. TambiÃn puedes arrastrar y soltar la URL directamente sobre el reproductor. Asà podrÃs disfrutar de tu música de YouTube en VLC con todas las opciones que te ofrece este reproductor. Usar una extensiÃn para el navegador Si prefieres seguir usando el navegador para escuchar música de YouTube en Windows 10, tambiÃn puedes usar una extensiÃn que te facilite esta tarea. Estas extensiones te permiten mejorar la experiencia de uso de YouTube en el navegador, aÃadiendo algunas funciones útiles como la posibilidad de reproducir la música en segundo plano, controlar la reproducciÃn con teclas rÃpidas, minimizar el vÃdeo a una ventana flotante, bloquear los anuncios, etc. Existen varias extension 51271b25bf
Harry Day
May 10, 2023
In Self Help Forum
Rootear Xiaomi Sin Pc [PORTABLE] ENLACE ->>->>->> ¿Buscas alternativas a Roja Directa para ver el fútbol online? Roja Directa es una de las páginas web más populares para ver el fútbol online gratis, pero no es la única. Existen muchas otras opciones que te permiten disfrutar de los partidos en directo o en diferido, sin pagar nada y con buena calidad de imagen y sonido. En este artículo te presentamos algunas de las mejores alternativas a Roja Directa que puedes encontrar en Internet. ¿Qué es Roja Directa? Roja Directa es un sitio web que ofrece enlaces a transmisiones de eventos deportivos, especialmente de fútbol, pero también de otros deportes como baloncesto, tenis, rugby, etc. Estos enlaces suelen ser de plataformas no oficiales que infringen los derechos de autor de las cadenas que emiten los partidos legalmente. Por eso, Roja Directa ha sido bloqueada varias veces por orden judicial, aunque sigue funcionando a través de diferentes dominios y proxies. ¿Por qué buscar alternativas a Roja Directa? Aunque Roja Directa sigue siendo una opción muy utilizada por los aficionados al fútbol online, tiene algunos inconvenientes que pueden hacer que busques otras alternativas. Algunos de estos inconvenientes son: La calidad de las transmisiones suele ser baja o inestable, lo que puede provocar cortes o retrasos en la imagen y el sonido. La página web está llena de publicidad invasiva y engañosa, que puede resultar molesta o incluso peligrosa para tu dispositivo. La oferta de partidos es limitada y depende de la disponibilidad de los enlaces que proporcionan otros usuarios. La legalidad de la página es dudosa y puede suponer un riesgo para tu privacidad o seguridad online. ¿Cuáles son las mejores alternativas a Roja Directa? Si quieres ver el fútbol online gratis y sin problemas, te recomendamos que pruebes algunas de estas alternativas a Roja Directa: Streamonsport: Esta página web se dedica a la transmisión de fútbol, rugby, baloncesto, Fórmula 1 y otros deportes en directo y te ofrece videos de partidos al instante para que los veas en vivo o en diferido de forma gratuita. Debido a la variedad de deportes que pone al servicio de sus usuarios, se ha convertido en una de las más empleadas en el rubro. Si el idioma inglés no significa un problema para ti, debes explorar este portal web. VIPbox: Esta es otra página web en inglés que te permite ver el fútbol online gratis y otros deportes como el béisbol, el baloncesto, el tenis, el boxeo, etc. Tiene una interfaz sencilla y fácil de usar, donde puedes elegir el deporte que quieras ver y acceder a los enlaces disponibles. La calidad de las transmisiones suele ser buena y no tiene mucha publicidad. Stream2Watch: Stream2Watch es una de las alternativas a Roja Directa más completas, ya que no solo ofrece deportes en vivo, sino también televisión en vivo y programas de televisión en directo. Puedes ver el fútbol online gratis y otros deportes como el balonmano, el rugby, el golf, etc. Además, puedes acceder a canales de TV de todo el mundo y ver tus programas favoritos. La página tiene un diseño moderno y atractivo, aunque también tiene bastante publicidad. Channel Stream: Channel Stream es una página web francesa que te ofrece una gran variedad de deportes en directo y 51271b25bf
Harry Day
May 09, 2023
In Self Help Forum
Watch One Piece 787 Download File After returning to my seat roughly two hours after wheels up, the cabin lights were turned completely off with the exception of a cool, dark blue mood light. Most people went to sleep, although more than a few stayed up to watch movies. The cabin never really settled down though, as flight attendants continued to deliver snacks and drinks to the hungry and thirsty passengers ordering via the Snack Bar. Innovative technology has also reduced the noise of the 787 engines compared to other types. The edges of the engine casing appear to have had pieces cut out of them, creating a circle of rounded teeth. This is called scalloping. On landing, in the very last moments of flight, watch how the wing tip bends upwards at a seemingly impossible angle. As soon as the aircraft touches down, as the lift disappears the tip drops again to its natural position. Just incredible. Written by Jeremy Adams with art by Fernando Pasarin, a preview for the issue shows a tired Wally West being woken up by his two kids, Jai and Irey, over requests for smartpad passwords, breakfast and more. As the three watch morning cartoons with each other, the broadcast is interrupted for another by WAM's own Mean Beam Woodman and Justice Lawyer, the duo discussing an ongoing match between intergalactic wrestlers Kriegmeister10 and Commander Powtower. As the West Family watches the match, Wally is alerted by his wife, Linda, that the match appears to be happening downtown, causing the Scarlet Speedster to race out of the house. The seat is wider than the economy seat, with an adjustable footrest and leg rest, 13.3-inch seatback screens and the ability to watch the Delta Studio content on personal devices, and individual power ports. There is also an upgraded amenity kit, noise-cancelling headsets, a blanket made from recycled materials and memory-foam pillow to help them arrive rested and refreshed. Free Starbucks coffee is available, along with snacks and complimentary beverages including beer, wine, cocktails and spirits. Premium Select travellers qualify for Sky Priority security, boarding and bag delivery. One Piece has 1,055 episodes divided into 10 seasons and 52 arcs, of this amount 192 are filler episodes and 25 mixed. Because it is an extensive anime, this filler list will be really useful, with which you can skip the unnecessary episodes and only watch the canonical; in addition, the movies and ovas will be placed in chronological order. All the One Piece fillers are mostly entertaining and very funny, it mixes very well with the canon story of the manga, but to watch the anime quickly, you will need to skip these episodes with this guide, just like we did with Naruto Shippuden and Bleach, which are other long anime. In this One Piece filler list, all episodes will be marked as canon or filler, describing the minutes to watch. So that you can watch One Piece in order, both the movies and ovas will be placed according to their chronology. And at the end I will mention in which chapter of the manga the anime ends or where to start reading manga after the anime. They are episodes adapted from single chapters of the manga (one-shot), it is optional to watch them. The extra material, such as movies, ovas and specials will be located according to their chronology. The filler episodes of are irrelevant, as they will not be mentioned in the canon story. But this does not mean that they are all boring, for this reason of the 13 filler arcs that one piece has, I will mention the ones that are worth watching and the ones that you should skip: One Piece has 15 movies and 9 most relevant specials. Due to Eichiro Oda's involvement in the later anime films this would be considered canon. That is why I will mention the order to watch the One Piece movies below. The lack of sleep got the best of me with about 2 1/2 hours to go, and I put my seat back upright and watched a few episodes of Deadliest Catch. A passing flight attendant noticed that I was awake, and asked me if I would like to eat breakfast now or later. Apparently breakfast was going to be served on-demand, and I could eat anytime that I wanted. The cabin lights had already been turned on by the time I was finishing breakfast, and I spent the remainder of the flight watching Kingsman, which was actually a lot more interesting than I thought it was going to be. The odd thing was that I was actually starting to feel little bit hungry again about 45 minutes prior to landing, so I decided to walk up to the self-serve bar and see if I could find a snack. Unfortunately the bar had been picked clean by that point and all I could find was a little piece of chocolate which would have to tide me over until we landed. Police in New York City think they have found a piece of one of the airliners destroyed in the 9/11 attacks. A police spokesman said today it's part of a landing gear with a Boeing identification number. Surveyors found the five-foot-tall object on Wednesday as they inspected the planned site of an Islamic community center. The site is about three blocks from Ground Zero. Police have secured the scene for further examination. "+o((||t&&||s).call(i,"FP_Upsell_Silver_Description","Interested in seeing when your aircraft is powered on and watching it taxi on a live surface map? FlightAware Global is the ultimate aviation toolkit for aircraft owners and operators.",{name:"mc",hash:{},data:n}))+' Netflix is doing a great job in providing its subscribers with great streaming content, but it does have some restrictions. So if you live in a country with geographic restrictions, you may not be able to watch One Piece on Netflix even with a full subscription. And yes, in case you were wondering, you can check directly on Netflix to see if your country is geographically restricted. If you live in a geographically restricted country, you will not be able to watch One Piece unless you change your location, but the good thing is that the dubbed episodes are not region-locked; the bad news is that there are not many of them to watch in the first place. 781b155fdc
Harry Day
May 09, 2023
In Self Help Forum
Cats And The Other Lives Cats And The Other Lives ->>> As Gone Home skillfully demonstrated back in 2013, games where you explore the lives of an everyday family can be just as memorable and thrilling as virtual adventures brimming with action sequences and special abilities. New indie Cats and the Other Lives also puts family dynamics at the forefront, but here you watch the drama unfold through the eyes of an adorable ginger feline. It's an artsy point-and-click adventure that places you in the furry paws of Aspen, a domestic housecat. Following the death of Aspen's owner Bernard Mason, his estranged offspring return to their childhood home. As the adorable kitty, you'll explore the lives of this broken family, witnessing events and uncovering secrets to find out where it all went so wrong. Having just pounced onto Steam, this indie is sitting proudly with a "positive" rating on Valve's platform. One reviewer (opens in new tab) writes, "Haunted house, mysterious story, beautiful pixel art, wonderful music, and you play as a cute cat...If you like any of those, this is a no-brainer." Another (opens in new tab) says, "If you like adventure games, don't miss it." If you're a cat lover and are looking to pick this one up, you'll be happy to know that Developer Cultic Games is donating a portion of the game's profits to help cover the cost of medical operations for street cats. The top results based on the latest update are Football Game [Score: 51.2], The Excavation of Hob's Barrow [Score: 50.7] and Sumatra: Fate of Yandi [Score: 50.1]. The top rated games you can find here are Sally Face [SteamPeek Rating: 9.2] ranked #22, The Case of the Golden Idol [SteamPeek Rating: 7.3] ranked #25 and If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers [SteamPeek Rating: 7.0] ranked #5. Also don't forget to check the newest releases Lucy Dreaming [Release date: 2022-10-18] ranked #29, The Case of the Golden Idol [Release date: 2022-10-13] ranked #25 and The Excavation of Hob's Barrow [Release date: 2022-09-28] ranked #2. While it is tempting to play with the newest and the best, there might be some other gems in the results, like The Horror Of Salazar House [SteamPeek Rating: 5.0] ranked #14, NORCO [SteamPeek Rating: 6.5] ranked #18 and Kathy Rain: Director's Cut [SteamPeek Rating: 5.5] ranked #21. A very special challenge: people. Deal with the darkest parts of our modern day society in a story with elements of a film noir. Don't let the humorous dialogue or the seducing smile of a stranger fool you - your choices decide the fate of Jack Hayes, his partner and every other person! Following the passing of Bernard Mason, the patriarch of the family, all the remaining Masons return to their childhood home for one last time. As Aspen, the cat of the household, players will take a journey across the hopes, disappointments and regrets of the enigmatic Mason family, traversing through a rich narrative that spans over decades. The game embraces a simple yet intuitive point and click play style, celebrating a design approach based on the behaviours of common house cats living all around the world. Is the cat just a pet, or does this creature play a more mysterious role in our lives? Features: Skepticism aside, there are many animal behaviorists who believe that cats really do mourn. Much was learned by a survey conducted in 1996 by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). The study, Companion Animal Mourning Project, gathered data that shed new light on the feline grieving process. The survey study focused on common signs associated with mourning and found that: Establishing a new, comfortable social structure in the home following the loss of a human or animal family member is important for the entire family, but even more so for cats. People have lives that extend outside the immediate family unit and help distract them from grief or place the loss in a broader perspective. They have friends at work, make plans for social interactions and gatherings, see people at the gym, and communicate with distant friends and relatives electronically. Stuck in this game? Ask a question below and let other gamers answer your question or view answers to previously asked questions. If you think you are an expert then please try to help others with their questions. In the case of a visual novel, the only way the player actively engages with the game (and therefore the main character) is through player choices. These determine both an immediate response from the other characters in the scene, as well as the general flow of the story towards one of several potential endings. Devcats have a portfolio full of similar, cat-oriented games, so if you do play A Building Full of Cats and like it, you may want to check out their other games too, including; Zodiacats, Sudocats, and the upcoming A Castle Full of Cats. Aside from the obvious common theme of cats, each game has a similar, relaxed feel, focusing on non-stressful puzzles and cute artwork. Friends cooking bacon, a stop-motion sequence of piling stones, gym class, a guy on the toilet, and, eventually, a cat. These glimpses of other lives are streamed in random succession, in real time, on Vinepeek, a hub of unmoderated Vines, which are six-second clips captured by the deceptively simple Vine app. The Web site is not affiliated with Vine on any official basis, but it serves as an endorsement of the video service as a window onto our hyper-documented world. Millions of cats spend their entire lives indoors without complaint. They've never been outside and have no desire to venture out. In fact, many become frightened if they accidentally wander out the door. That's not necessarily true. Plenty of stray cats have been adopted and turned into happy indoor kitties who don't want to go out. The trick is to make the great indoors as fun and intriguing as the outdoors. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some coronaviruses cause cold-like illnesses in people, while others cause illness in certain types of animals, such as cattle, camels, and bats. Some coronaviruses, such as canine and feline coronaviruses, infect only animals and do not infect people. Some coronaviruses that infect animals can be spread to people and then spread between people, but this is rare. This is what happened with SARS-CoV-2, which likely originated in bats. In the United States, respiratory disease and increases in mink deaths have been seen on most affected mink farms. However, some infected mink might also appear healthy. Infected workers likely introduced SARS-CoV-2 to mink on the farms, and the virus then began to spread among the mink. Once the virus is introduced on a farm, spread can occur between mink, as well as from mink to other animals on the farm (dogs, cats). One wild mink and a small number of escaped farm mink trapped near affected farms in Utah and Oregon were found to be infected with SARS-CoV-2. Although there is no evidence that mink are playing a significant role in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 to people, there is a possibility of mink spreading SARS-CoV-2 to people and other animals on mink farms. Mink-to-human spread of SARS-CoV-2 has been reported in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Poland, and data suggest it might have occurred in the United States. Many studies have been done to learn more about how this virus can affect different animals, including if they are susceptible to infection and if they can spread infection to other animals. Studies on animals do not show whether animals can spread infection to people. Since the beginning of the pandemic, CDC has been leading efforts to improve our understanding of how SARS-CoV-2 affects animals and how the virus might spread between people and animals. CDC has also worked to improve coordination of federal, state, and other One Health partners. We made two predictions. First, attention toward the stimulus face displayed on the monitor should be longer in incongruent trials due to expectancy violation. Second, the amount of violation is related to the amount of exposure to relevant interactions; specifically, household cats should show stronger violation effects than café cats in Exp.1, and cats living in households with more people should show more evidence of expectancy violation in Exp.2. Figure 2 shows time attending to the monitor for each group. House cats attended for longer in the incongruent than the congruent condition, as predicted; however, café cats did not show this difference. A limitation of Exp.1 was that we could not analyze the effect of the duration of cohabiting with the model cat because this differed across cats, and in some cases the information was lacking (i.e., it was hard to track the exact length of time subject and model cats lived together, as the owner quarantined cats that didn't get along with others.). We predicted that the longer the cat and human had lived together, the stronger the association between name and face would be, due to more opportunities to learn it. We tested 26 household cats (15 males and 11 females, mean age 5.2 years, SD 3.27 years) living in houses with more than two people. Thirteen cats lived with two-person families, seven with three-person families, four with four-person families, and two with five-person families. Durations of living together ranged between 6 and 180 months (mean 49.79 months, SD 41.50). We did not ask the owner to change water or feeding schedules. Acquisition of new signal-meaning pairs requires a high level of social cognition, such as knowing to whom others are talking and paying attention34. Many recent reports on social cognition in cats (see review35), have shown their high sensitivity to human attentional states20,21,22. These results of the present study suggest that cats might understand who is talking to whom in everyday situations, which is consistent with those studies. However, it is still unclear how cats learned the name-face association. Further study should address this point. In Exp.1, we found a difference between household cats and café cats. Previous studies have reported several behavioral differences between these two groups24,25,36. In Saito et al. house cats but not café cats were shown to recognize their own name; café cats did not discriminate their own name from names of other cats living in the same environment. Whereas house cats probably learn by observing the reaction of the specific cat whose name was called, café cats are more likely to hear different names called by different guests, making such learning more difficult. Additionally, the number of cats living together might have an influence, as more cats probably means fewer opportunities to learn specific cat name-identity relationships. In our experiment, 75% of café cats tested lived in cafés holding over 30 cats (Supplementary Table S1). In fact, recent research has shown that people with larger social networks show poorer voice recognition37. To untangle any effects of number of cats living together and fewer opportunities to observe interactions of each cat, cats from cafés of different sizes could be tested. 781b155fdc
Harry Day
May 08, 2023
In Self Help Forum
The Planets (2017) - Season 2 Click Here ===== The Planets, retitled The Planets and Beyond for its second season, is a documentary television series produced by the Science Channel that aired from 2017 to 2019. It explores the planets and of the Solar System, exoplanets, and other astronomical objects. Former astronaut Mike Massimino hosts the show, appearing briefly to introduce each segment of each episode, and Erik Dellums narrates the series. During its first season, titled The Planets, the series focused on planets exclusively except for a single episode which studied the Moon. Retitled The Planets and Beyond, the series expanded its focus during its second season to include other types of astronomical objects. The Science Channel also broadcast The Planets and The Planets and Beyond specials, some of them made up of original footage and others of segments broadcast previously on The Planets, The Planets and Beyond, How the Universe Works, Space's Deepest Secrets, and Strip the Cosmos. There are roughly a dozen Seasons in Destiny 2, with the seasonal model officially beginning after the release of Forsaken. Before then, Bungie was still utilizing a traditional DLC release schedule. Each Season typically brings with it some new stories, Exotics to chase, and better gear to unlock. Though they weren't officially called Seasons until much later, the base game and the first few DLC drops were retroactively numbered. Curse of Osiris was the first DLC added to Destiny 2 on December 5, 2017, and is often considered the lowest point in the series. Players were jetted off to Mercury, where they helped Brother Vance and Osiris fight against Panoptes, a Vex Mind. Aside from forging a few weapons, there was really nothing going on in this season. Warmind was the third and final mini-DLC released on May 8, 2018, before Bungie shifted to a seasonal model. Warmind took players back to Mars, where they helped Ana Bray and Rasputin take on a Hive worm god. The big appeal of this season was Escalation Protocol, a pseudo-wave defense activity, as well as the brutally-challenging quest, The Whisper, which rewarded Whisper of the Worm, a new version of Black Hammer/Black Spindle. The release of Shadowkeep also kicked off a new Season, Season of the Undying, which introduced a 100-rank Season Pass for the first time and a new mechanic, the seasonal artifact. This artifact would allow players to gain as much Power as they could by gaining exponentially more XP. Players would also be able to chase higher Power levels with a new Pinnacle system, which would grant 10 Power above the Season's soft cap, a difficult task for even the veteran players. Though the previous seasons were by no means unpopular, Destiny 2 really hit another stride when Season of Arrivals released on June 9, 2020. This Season added Umbral Engrams, which allowed players to chase very specific weapons with greater ease. The story also reached a new height, with Pyramid ships appearing around several planets including Io, Titan, Mars, and Mercury. Season of the Haunted started on May 24, 2022. This Season focused on the relationship between Crow, Caiatl, and Zavala and the return of the Exiled Emperor Calus and his Leviathan. The season also brought a new dungeon to the game and raised the Power level by another 10 points. The show made its worldwide debut in late December 2014, with the first 13 episodes released as pay-to-view content on Chinese video streaming website M1905. The series subsequently debuted on Cartoon Network in numerous countries before the first 26-episode season finally premiered in the US on March 14, 2015. A second season of 13 episodes began screening on February 20, 2016, followed by a 6-episode "mini-series"/"TV event" later in the year. The third and final season was rebranded as Combiner Force, and ran for 26 episodes before concluding on November 11, 2017. The mini-series has caused some confusion over how the seasons of Robots in Disguise should be counted. It was initially promoted as "season 3"[1] before viewers properly understood it was only six episodes in length, but when "Combiner Force" was announced, it was also treated as the third season.[2] There has been no obvious consensus; Amazon and Roku group it in with season 2, while Netflix and the Transformers YouTube channel have labeled it season 3. For bookkeeping purposes, TFWiki refers to it as "Season 2½." The first season had a "villain of the week" approach, in which most episodes would follow a pattern: it would feature a new Decepticon foe, usually with an animal-motif, that would prove to be a threat to the Bee Team, only to be taken down by the end of the episode and be placed back into a stasis pod. Most Decepticons featured, barring those who became part of Steeljaw's Pack, had little-to-nothing to do with each other besides being Alchemor immates. Early episodes rarely deviated from this pattern, but this theme was effectively toned down in later seasons when larger, overaching threats came into play. Over the course of the first season, new Autobots bolster the ranks of the team, including the bounty hunter Drift, his two Mini-Cons Jetstorm and Slipstream, the mysterious Windblade, and finally Optimus Prime himself, returned to life by the Thirteen to defeat Megatronus. The second season features more frequent references to predecessor series Prime in an effort to forge a stronger sense of continuity between the two. Coinciding with this, the season sees the return of multiple regulars from Prime in special guest appearances: Ratchet, now partnered with a silent Mini-Con named Undertone, and Soundwave, still accompanied by Laserbeak. This season also begins to drop the "villain of the week" theme, though it is still present, in favor of having a larger overarching threat in the form of Decepticon Island. This season was also very toy-driven in that it featured several returning Decepticons from the first season, as well as new Mini-Con and Deployer characters, who had newly received toys. As such, Mini-Cons were also a big focus of this season, with at least one (besides Fix-It) appearing in every episode. Following the Season 2 proper, this trend would continue into a "mini-series" of sorts, referred to as "Season 3" by several official sources before the announcement of a full third season. This six-episode run sees the return of Starscream, who seeks the mysterious Mini-Con Weaponizers, who have reluctantly partnered with a group of Decepticon Scavengers searching Earth for abandoned Cybertronian relics. The actual Season 3 is titled "Combiner Force". Bumblebee and his crew must harness the power of combination and form Ultra Bee in order to defeat the Stunticons. At the same time, Soundwave has sent a group of Minicons to steal the Bee Team's Decepticon Hunters, with this subplot playing a small background role until the Stunticons are captured and returned to Cybertron by the end of the first half of the season. In order to keep the "Con of the Week" theme present after the Alchemor's departure, caches set up by Windblade after her arrival on Earth contain Decepticons who end up getting free and require recapture. Some filler episodes feature Decepticons who managed to escape the Alchemor before it left Earth. Others feature Decepticons or others coming to Earth due to connections to members of the Bee Team or other reasons, the one exception being Flamesnort who was left on Earth during the Great War. This season also does a first and ties in with the Rescue Bots series by featuring the Rescue Bot Blurr for a few episodes. Corruption on Cybertron, which had been building up conflict in the background for the entire series and has generally served as a way introduce new characters, seems to finally take the center stage during the second half of the season where mysterious benefactors on Cybertron free Steeljaw and his pack and grant them full pardons. They are sent back to Earth, where they ally with Soundwave and are tasked with capturing the Autobots. Steeljaw and the others make a grand return to Earth by nearly destroying the Scrapyard and forcing the Autobots and Clays to find a new base. By this point, the "villain of the week" approach is only used a few more times, but is otherwise abandoned in favor of having the Autobots face off against recurring teams of enemies such as the Stunticons and then Steeljaw's Pack. The tail end of the season also features the return of Bulkhead from Prime as a temporary ally to the Bee Team. For fans coming off the back of the heavily arc-driven storytelling of Prime, the more traditional episodic format of Robots in Disguise was a disappointment: though later seasons did eventually experiment with various multi-episode story arcs, most episodes were self-contained "monster-of-the-week" stories involving a rogue Decepticon and the Bee Team's efforts to recapture the villain. Combiner Force episodes often incorporated a B-plot involving one or more protagonists having to learn a lesson about teamwork, cooperation, or self-control, and the heavy-handedness of these moral lessons (and the episodes sometimes drawing strange equivalencies between them and the villain of the week) also didn't win Robots in Disguise many popularity points with the adult fandom. The season 2 and "season 2½" (or "miniseries") episodes of Robots in Disguise were combined into a newly branded sequel series which began airing on July 3, 2016[6] under the title Transformers Adventure -Prime of Micron- (トランスフォーマー アドベンチャー -マイクロンの章- Toransufōmā Adobenchā -Maikuron no Shō-). Incidentally, the "Maikuron no Shō" portion of the Japanese title actually translates to "Micron Chapter", but nobody tell them that. Like the previous season/series, it aired on Animax with a Sunday morning, 9:00am timeslot. 781b155fdc

Harry Day

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